Answering life’s BIGGEST questions is not just something for super brainiac theologians to do.
In our everyday lives you never know when you might be at the barbershop, grocery store, or wherever and an opportunity might come up for you to come alongside someone to help them wrestle with difficult questions.
In this segment yours truly, Adam Coleman, is joined by Pastor Jerome Gay Jr. to breakdown a conversation that took place with rapper, Lil Scrappy, on Math Hoffa’s “My Expert Opinion” Podcast. We give evidence and answers in response to the various topics Lil Scrappy and the Math Hoffa Podcast team raise including questions about:
How and when God intervenes in our lives?
Is the Bible inspired by God and reliable?
Has Christianity been white-washed? If so, how?
You definitely want to tune in for this video, share it, and if you haven’t done so already subscribe to Jerome Gay Jr.’s Urban Perspective Youtube Channel!